中心 & 研究院
TCU利用其领导地位将学习者和专家与共同目标联系起来. These specialized centers and institutes demonstrate the university’s commitment to sharing knowledge and resources with our 社区 and the world, supporting the Horned 青蛙家族为更大的利益服务.
数字表达中心(CDEx)支持数字写作,研究和 教学的同时探索新兴技术之间的交集. 数字熟练 为TCU的学生、教职员工提供培训服务.
安德鲁斯数学研究所 & 科学教育
通过创造性的研究和持续的教育推广,安德鲁斯研究所 promotes innovative teaching techniques in mathematics and science while serving the 社区.
答:爱丽丝·尼利特殊教育研究中心 & 服务研究所
Working with TCU’s two laboratory schools for children with learning differences (Starpoint and KinderFrogs), ANSERS promotes innovation and change in special education through 模范教学,研究和社区服务.
The CLC provides resources for all language learners and faculty in the Departments of Modern Language Studies and Spanish and Hispanic Studies, including tutoring, media studio space, computers, electronic equipment, and foreign language media and teaching 工具.
该中心为学生和bc体育人士提供实践学习和能力 模拟设计小插图来评估照明的影响. 经历不同 qualities of light is central to the interior design program and the associated architectural 灯光设计.
By connecting education to the merchandising industry, this center forges meaningful industry partnerships that enhance the education and development of TCU merchandising 学生和教师.
肿瘤教育中心 & 研究
Since 2007, the center has provided opportunities and programming for collaborative 教师、学生和社区合作伙伴之间的学习和研究 肿瘤相关护理. TCU拥有全国唯一一个指定的护理bc体育 肿瘤学重点方向.
公众教育中心 & 社区参与 (CPECE)
Recognizing education as a civil and human right, CPECE addresses issues that impact 学生、教育工作者、学校和社区. 该中心参与了各种倡议, 通过建立伙伴关系和促进研究,加强公众教育.
该中心位于全国发展最快的都会区之一,带来了 学生和行业领袖一起连接,评估和创新解决方案 这将改变房地产的未来. 通过多学科方法, the center focuses on ethics, research and analytics, real-world business practices, 行业趋势,指导和推广.
This center examines all aspects of supply chain through a dynamic, integrated end-to-end lens, fostering innovation and insights through cutting-edge research and curriculum. The center partners with business leaders and experts from across industries to bring 通过案例研究,将现实世界的机遇和挑战带入课堂, facility tours, competitions, mentorship and networking opportunities, career exploration 和更多的.
通过特别的活动和出版,这个学术资源单位致力于 preserving, sharing and commemorating the unique heritage of Texas for educators and 整个社会.
This center promotes research and interdisciplinary education on critical urban and metropolitan issues, partnering with organizations in Fort Worth and the greater North 德州地区.
TCU IdeaFactory
这里是创意 变成现实的地方. 将创业精神与设计思维相结合, the TCU IdeaFactory provides resources, funding and advice for students who are looking 影响他们的社区,推动社会变革.
A national research center for evaluating and improving treatment strategies to target reductions in drug abuse, related mental health and social issues, and public health 特别是艾滋病毒/艾滋病和高危人群中的感染.
This collaboration between departments, institutions, government and businesses creates a unique educational experience where research, teaching and partnerships result in 综合解决本地和全球环境问题.
The 牧场管理研究所 works with its students, faculty and alumni to forge 与私营企业、机构和政府建立教育伙伴关系 在世界范围内,解决农业资源的管理问题.
Karyn Purvis儿童发展研究所
Named for its beloved late founder, the institute’s mission is research, education, 为 提供培训和外展服务,改善遭受虐待的儿童的生活, 忽视和/或创伤.
This campus center engages with instructional staff, departments/units, and administration to facilitate innovative learning methodologies and technologies that promote engagement 提高学习能力.
The center focuses on preserving and sharing the uniqueness of Latino/Latina classical 也是著名的年度拉丁美洲音乐节的举办地,成立于20世纪90年代 他是管弦乐研究教授Germán gutisamurez.
link (Let ' s Inspire Innovation ' N Kids Center)
Launched in 2012, this ongoing research and training program has made promising discoveries related to the power of play for elementary school children, bridging the gap between 学者和学生的社会、身体和心理健康.
The LKCM Center provides resources, conferences and programs to enhance the academics 以及TCU金融bc体育学生、教师和行业bc体育人士的职业发展.
米勒的演讲 & 听到诊所
Since 1975, this resource center has provided clinical services to north Texans with 言语、语言、听力或吞咽问题. 可以转介到诊所 by physicians, speech-language pathologists, audiologists, psychologists, educators, 卫生保健bc体育人员或个人.
TCU拥有世界上最大的大学陨石收藏之一. The collection is used for both academic research and public outreach, with samples on 在向公众开放的互动式画廊中展示.
Open to companies and individuals, this center offers ongoing general and customized programs to help individuals and business organizations develop and reach their fullest 领导潜力.
This popular institute fosters cross-campus innovative thinking to ignite the entrepreneurial 每个bc体育的学生都有火花. 学生接受教育,机会和 resources to nurture their ideas through competitions, accelerator programs, scholarships, 实习等等.
尼利商学院的学生可以获得宝贵的工具、一对一的指导和反馈 为了成功,自信地打造自己的个人品牌. 资源包括自我意识 评估,个人蓝图,商务写作,协助和润色 面试技巧.
For more than 100 years, this academic track has prepared students for post-graduate study in dentistry, medicine, veterinary medicine and optometry, as well as physician 助理和药房项目. 医学院的录取率平均为80% 是全国平均水平的两倍.
The 拉尔夫·洛能源研究所 connects students and seasoned professionals to discover, 讨论和创新可持续的解决方案,为我们的国家和世界提供动力 为了子孙后代. 从石油和天然气到太阳能和核能,该研究所 cultivates industry relationships, conducts research and develops human capital that 会引导我们度过下一次能源转型吗.
The 销售中心 provides a hands-on, consultative approach, which mirrors real-world sales problems, competitions, quotas, and customer prospecting, giving students the 技能,知识和优势,他们需要茁壮成长的职业生涯中的销售.
Highly ranked TCU business faculty lead non-degree courses for professionals and business organizations to hone their skills, develop fresh thinking and discover new approaches 充分发挥他们的领导潜力.
TRIO是1964年高等教育法的一项倡议. TCU主办两个联邦 funded TRIO programs supporting college students from disadvantaged backgrounds: Student 支持服务和罗纳德E. McNair学士学位后成就计划.
威廉L. 亚当斯写作中心
The professional and peer writing consultants in this center provide helpful feedback on writing projects of any genre to TCU students, staff and faculty across all academic TCU的学科和学院.